privacy policy

Farmland Technology Inc. (“We” or us), which is incorporated under the lGCP of Taiwan, respects your privacy during your use of our rides app service through the Farmland Technology Rider’s App (“Service”). With this Privacy Policy, we aim to provide detailed explanation about what personal data we collect and how we use your personal data when you use our Service. By using our Services, you acknowledge this Privacy Policy and agree to be subject to it.

IOur contact information

If you have any questions regarding data protection, or comments about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to email us at contact@farmland.tw.

IIInformation we collect and the purpose

We collect information about you, including information that directly or indirectly identifies you, if you agree to disclose or authorize us to access. The categories of personal data we may collect from you are listed as below.

  1. Account data. When you register to our Service, we collect basic account data such as your name, photo, email address, gender, height, weight, username and password that helps secure and provide you with using our Services. When you can log in with your Facebook, Apple or other third-party account, we will receive your name, email address, photo and authentication token. We collect the account data to create a user profile, enable the correct settings for you and to perform the Rider’s App service agreement with you. Please note that you may modify the privacy settings on the third-party accounts to control the data that we may obtain.
  2. Location data. We collect your location data through your WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS coordinates (e.g., latitude/longitude) available through your mobile device and from the sensors incorporated in the parts of the bicycle which is connected to our Service. We may record and store your location, search history and route information, including your point of origin, your destination, the starting time of your riding, your points of interest, and the route you are instructed to follow. During an active navigation session, we periodically record your current location, data from your bicycle’s sensors, and other GPS information necessary to provide you with a route. Our navigation services also make use of your current location or route to respond to your requests for nearby points of interest (such as restaurants, shopping, and maintenance service stops etc.). Also, we access your location data to detect and pair nearby devices which you decide you connect. Besides, we use explicit location information to provide navigation as well as route-directing service, and to improve our service capabilities, functions, and user experience.

    Please note that we will continue to obtain your location data, even when you turn off the application, with your authorization of accessing location in the background. The purpose for our Service to access your location data in the background is to keep your bicycle connected with our Service, for us to provide service, such as unlock, manage the status of parts, trace the route, and calculate the average speed between stops.
  3. Riding information. We automatically collect your riding-related data, such as average speed, max speed, total distance, total trip time after you agree to connect your bicycle through Bluetooth on your device. We collect such data under your consent to help you to record your activities, manage your training, analyze your performance and relevant Rider’s App service.
  4. Equipment and device information. We automatically collect your equipment and device information, such as SSN, error code, total mileage, maintenance mileage and part number. Such data is transferred from the sensor incorporated in your bicycle after you agree to connect your bicycle through Bluetooth on your device. We collect such data under your consent to help you to manage the status of parts, analyze the cause of failure, and remind you of the need for fixing or periodical maintenance. Please note that we may collect your maintenance record if you use the maintenance and repair service provided by our partners. Our partners will upload the maintenance date and issue code to our system for us to measure the performance and improve the quality of the parts.
  5. Health Information. We may collect or infer health information from sources such as heart rate or other measurements, including power, cadence, and weight, exercise habit, lifestyle, or other indicators which you submit to us or authorize us to access your wearable device and other devices or applications you connect to our Service. Before you can upload health information to us, you must give your explicit consent to the processing of that health information by us. You can withdraw your consent to processing your health information by us at any time.
  6. Other information. We may collect information from you, such as your use of our Service when you log in, have feedback, file inquiries, or participate in the activities we host. We collect such information to improve our Service quality and your experience.

IIIAutomated decision making and profiling

We do not use any automatic mechanism to make specific decisions on profiling or affairs which may affect your individual rights.

IVLegal basis of processing

The basis for us to process your personal data include (a) your informed consent to the processing of your personal data for one or more purposes we specified in this Privacy Policy, (b) performance of the duties required by the Rider’s App service agreement with you, and (c) maintenance of the Service quality and protection of the interest and benefits of other users of our Service, such as tracing the lifetime of the parts to improve the quality and function, and the proper documentation of our business operations. However, whether to use our Service depends on your willingness, and your provision of personal data to us is not a statutory requirement.

VHow We Use the Information We Collect

  1. To provide, maintain, and improve our Services to meet the needs of our users, and to developing new services and features that are useful for our partners.
  2. To communicate with you, provide you with updates and other information relating to our Services, provide information that you request, respond to comments and questions, and provide relevant customer support.
  3. To generate anonymized, aggregate data containing only de-identified, non-personal data that we may use to analyze the market or publish reports.
  4. To send you push notifications or display advertisement regarding nearby service or store which you may have interest.
  5. To respond to product safety issues that may arise.
  6. For other purposes for which we provide specific notice at the time the information is collected.

VIThe period of retention

  1. Unless otherwise stated, we will delete or anonymize your personal data as soon as it is no longer required for the purposes for which we collected or used it in accordance with the preceding paragraphs.
  2. When you choose to delete the account, we will permanently and irreversibly delete your personal data from our system, including backups. Once deleted, your personal file cannot be restored. However, we will need up to 90 days to process the deletion after receiving the request.
  3. Nevertheless, we may still retain necessary information to comply with legal requirements, prevent fraud, collect fees, resolve disputes, deal with faults, assist in investigations, and fulfill contractual obligations within the scope of the lGCP applicable. Also, we will retain information which is de-identified and anonymized for analysis, marketing, and statics purpose.

VIIData transfer abroad

  1. Personal data may be processed in part in countries outside the EU & US, in so far as we use providers having data center or offices in those countries.
  2. Your personal information will be transferred abroad when necessary for the purpose specified in this Privacy Policy, and to non-EU & US countries guaranteeing adequate levels of protection in accordance with EU & US Commission decisions, or, following the conclusion of specific contracts, containing appropriate safeguard clauses for the protection of personal data by the foreign entity receiving it, in accordance with applicable legislation.
  3. However, you acknowledge and agree that we may process your personal information outside the territory of EU & US in the absence of an adequacy decision or of appropriate safeguards, such as standard contract clause and binding corporate rules, only for the necessity to perform the Service when using our Service.
  4. Please note that we will transfer your personal information to countries outside EU & US based on your consent. We will obtain your specific consent when we need to transfer your personal information which we collect during your use of our Service to our server located in Taiwan and to the host of cloud solution we adopted, where has not acquired adequacy decision from EU & US commission yet. We will follow the appropriate safeguards according to the applicable regulations in Taiwan and the directions set by our supervisory authorities. Your rights as a data subject specified in this Privacy Policy will not be affected when we process your information in country outside EU & US. However, you acknowledge that the difference in data processing principles between GDPR and the regulation of territory we process your personal information, such as exceptions to the lawful processing might result in certain risk to your interest and rights.

VIIIHow Information is shared

  1. We adopt the cloud solution provided by Google Cloud Platform. (GCP), for infrastructure and back-end service hosting data and files that allow our service to operate internationally. We have contractually agreed with GCP that the servers used by GCP are located within the EU Union and US. See GCP’s privacy policy and the types of data collected by GCP at https://cloud.google.com/terms/cloud-privacy-notice
  2. We will only share the equipment and device data with our partners, such as maintenance centers and bicycle stores through our Service software for our partner to review the device status, diagnosis the issue and record the maintenance date. Our partner can only retrieve the equipment and device data we authorized for maintenance and support purpose, and we will not provide any personal identifiable data, such as your account name to our partner.
  3. We may use the statistical or aggregated information derived from personal data we collect for the purpose of analysis and marketing. For example, we may aggregate information about equipment, usage, demographics, routes, and performance, which does not directly identify a specific person, as the basis for us to predict the market demand and analyze the future trend. We will seek your specific permission for any additional use. We do not barter, trade, or sell access to your personal identifiable information without your specific consent.
  4. Apart from the circumstance mentioned above, we will not provide your personal information to any third party except with your prior consent or for information processing by partners commissioned by us for the performance of this Service.

IXYour rights as a data subject

  1. Right to information. You have the right to receive information from us at any time on request about the personal data processed by us.
  2. Right to correct. You have the right to request that we should correct your personal data within the required period if it is incorrect.
  3. Right to cancellation. You have the right to request that we delete your personal data if the personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed, as well as in cases of unlawful processing.
  4. Right to restriction of processing. You have the right to request that we restrict processing. For example, when the correctness of the personal data is controversial, or to be checked, you may request us to suspend the utilization or only process the personal data in the limited scope.
  5. Right to data portability. You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you that you have provided to us in a structured, common, machine-readable format.
  6. Right to object. You have the right to withdraw your consent to our processing at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of our processing based on your consent before the withdrawal.
  7. Right to complain. You have the right to lodge a complaint with your local Data Protection Authority. Contact details for Data Protection Authorities in the EEA are available here.
  8. If you would like to exercise your rights mentioned above, please email us at contact@farmland.tw. We may verify your identification and charge a reasonable fee, considering the administrative costs for processing your request.


No services provided by us through Farmland Technology Rider’s App are directed to individuals under the age of Eighteen (18), and we do not knowingly collect personal data from individuals under Eighteen (18).


  1. We make reasonable efforts to protect your information by using physical and organizational safeguards designed to improve the security for data collection, transmission, and storage. We will take reasonable protection measures based on the sensitivity of your data following the industry standards and local regulations.
  2. Farmland Technology Rider’s App may contain linkages to other website, such as the website of bicycle parts stores, or the campaign websites hosted by our partners. Please note that such websites are not within the application of this Privacy Policy. Please check the website’s privacy policy and assess the level of security when you leave our Website to visit another website.

XIIChanges to this Privacy Policy

We may update or modify this Privacy Policy periodically. We will notify you of changes to this Privacy Policy by push notification or via email or other mechanisms. Your use of our Service following these changes means that you accept the revised Privacy Policy.